Sewage Cleaning Service in Hampshire

Sewage Cleaning Service in Hampshire


We were contacted by a client in Hampshire in February 2021 as they discovered their basement was flooded with contaminated sewage water. The client required a sewage cleaning service from professional, specialist cleaning company.

There were a number of furnishings in the basement and other materials that needed to be removed and disposed of. There was also a nasty odour.

We attended the property to complete a site survey and risk assessment, we discussed our findings with the client who advised she wished for us to proceed with the work.

Our Solution

Whilst wearing the full required personal protective equipment we started our sewage extraction process.

We sectioned off the area to prevent any cross contamination with the rest of the property and laid sheeting down on the floor at the entrance of the basement. We opened windows to keep the area well ventilated.

We applied a sanitising solution to the basement and used a large Numatic wet vacuum to extract the sewage water. 

A number of furnishings were contaminated with the sewage water and needed to be removed and disposed of. We removed the vinyl floor coverings, kitchen unit plinths, bottom cupboard shelves, small cupboards and general debris.

There were documents in the basement that were saturated in sewage water and were stuck together and falling apart. The documents were sprayed with sanitiser and bagged up, ready to be collected and disposed of by other contractors..

We then applied a further sanitising solution to the basement.

A refrigerant dehumidifier and an air mover were then installed to start the drying process.

The whole process took us 2 days to complete.

If you have experienced water or flood damage, such as a flooded basement or sewage damage, call the Navig8 Restoration today on 0800 285 1447 and get back up and running, fast!

Author Image rushax Sewage Cleaning Service in Hampshire | Navig8 Restoration

Rushax collaborates with the Navig8 Restoration team, providing support in web design and digital marketing.

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